1 00:00:06,260 --> 00:00:10,240 Welcome to the second talk 2 00:00:10,240 --> 00:00:12,240 of Shared Science. 3 00:00:12,240 --> 00:00:16,240 I would like to comment before starting 4 00:00:16,240 --> 00:00:22,240 that these talks are authorized to be public, 5 00:00:22,240 --> 00:00:27,440 they will be on Repositorio Institucional of the university, Acceda. 6 00:00:27,440 --> 00:00:31,370 They are now also available on the Youtube channel 7 00:00:31,370 --> 00:00:33,400 of the Biblioteca Universitaria. 8 00:00:33,400 --> 00:00:36,880 Here is our first speaker, 9 00:00:38,460 --> 00:00:44,460 Federico Maldonado, who will go down in history. 10 00:00:53,860 --> 00:00:57,000 The idea is that we all know 11 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:59,000 a little of what is done in 12 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:01,000 each group of the faculty, 13 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:03,000 which researches are made, 14 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:05,000 to know each other 15 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,420 and to share it, because it is not only the sea 16 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:11,670 but also some do coastal things 17 00:01:11,670 --> 00:01:13,130 and we want them to participate. 18 00:01:13,130 --> 00:01:15,130 We also want to know 19 00:01:15,130 --> 00:01:17,130 if you have any doubts as well or you want 20 00:01:17,130 --> 00:01:19,130 to contribute, to share it, 21 00:01:19,130 --> 00:01:21,130 because sometimes we are too focused on 22 00:01:21,130 --> 00:01:24,130 respiration, in Fede's case, or in my case 23 00:01:24,130 --> 00:01:26,280 on currents and we forget about the rest 24 00:01:26,280 --> 00:01:28,280 and maybe things from the outside 25 00:01:28,280 --> 00:01:30,280 could help us. 26 00:01:30,980 --> 00:01:36,660 The idea is also to encourage students 27 00:01:36,660 --> 00:01:38,660 to come to these talks, 28 00:01:38,660 --> 00:01:41,970 to show the use of what you are learning. 29 00:01:42,970 --> 00:01:50,280 And Avelina is in charge to inform you. 30 00:01:53,680 --> 00:01:57,680 This was for you to see what is going on. 31 00:02:04,980 --> 00:02:09,480 Then we have here our second speaker, 32 00:02:12,330 --> 00:02:15,060 that will talk about 33 00:02:15,060 --> 00:02:19,260 migration and trophic ecology of vertical migrant 34 00:02:19,260 --> 00:02:22,500 fishes that dominate subtropical Northeast Atlantic. 35 00:02:22,500 --> 00:02:25,200 Involvement on active carbon flux. 36 00:02:25,200 --> 00:02:27,840 I believe that you all know him, 37 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:31,510 Alejandro Ariza, he studied biology 38 00:02:31,510 --> 00:02:33,240 in the Universidad de La Laguna. 39 00:02:33,240 --> 00:02:35,640 And he specialised in marine biology, 40 00:02:35,640 --> 00:02:38,840 and there he began with his research; 41 00:02:38,840 --> 00:02:43,240 that he later continued in th ULPGC, 42 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:46,370 signed by Santiago Hernández León. 43 00:02:46,770 --> 00:02:50,840 He works now on inter-zonal migrants 44 00:02:50,840 --> 00:02:53,310 that live in mesopelagic waters 45 00:02:53,310 --> 00:02:59,300 and I quote what he told me before: 46 00:02:59,300 --> 00:03:02,150 "We are interested in the exportation of carbon 47 00:03:02,150 --> 00:03:05,480 that those organisms do when they migrate. 48 00:03:05,480 --> 00:03:08,110 This has to do with the biological pump 49 00:03:08,110 --> 00:03:10,110 of the ocean, a complex mechanism 50 00:03:10,110 --> 00:03:13,130 that the ocean takes CO2 from the atmosphere, 51 00:03:13,130 --> 00:03:15,750 something that is very interesting in this 52 00:03:15,750 --> 00:03:17,950 global change scenario that we are living in". 53 00:03:18,250 --> 00:03:21,550 This is a little part of what he is going to tell us, 54 00:03:21,550 --> 00:03:24,750 and he also works between 55 00:03:24,750 --> 00:03:27,650 the ULPGC, with Santiago Hernández, 56 00:03:27,650 --> 00:03:32,150 and the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas 57 00:03:32,150 --> 00:03:34,550 with Fernando Bordes Caballero, 58 00:03:34,550 --> 00:03:37,600 in terms of acoustic and he has stayed 59 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:39,600 the last one in Norway, 60 00:03:39,600 --> 00:03:42,600 in an institute working on 61 00:03:42,600 --> 00:03:45,900 acoustics and he has just embarked 62 00:03:45,900 --> 00:03:51,400 in the Ramón Magalef to work in the volcanic 63 00:03:51,400 --> 00:03:53,400 crisis in El Hierro. 64 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:56,700 Nothing else Alejandro, it is all yours. 65 00:03:56,700 --> 00:04:00,700 Thanks Avelina, you saved me a lot of explanations. 66 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:04,700 I want to say that in this work 67 00:04:04,700 --> 00:04:08,030 other people has collaborated, 68 00:04:08,030 --> 00:04:12,330 Rupert William Reuter, Fernando Bordes Caballero 69 00:04:12,330 --> 00:04:14,330 from the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas 70 00:04:14,330 --> 00:04:16,330 and Santiago, the head. 71 00:04:16,330 --> 00:04:21,830 The research of migration and trophic ecology 72 00:04:23,830 --> 00:04:27,950 address the implication of these organisms 73 00:04:27,950 --> 00:04:30,250 on the active flux efficience. 74 00:04:30,250 --> 00:04:33,050 In this work we want to focus on this especially. 75 00:04:33,050 --> 00:04:35,050 Well, let's start. 76 00:04:37,050 --> 00:04:40,050 I would like to begin with this image, 77 00:04:40,050 --> 00:04:42,050 this is an echogram, 78 00:04:42,050 --> 00:04:45,350 where we can see a migration process. 79 00:04:45,350 --> 00:04:47,350 What you can see down here is 80 00:04:47,350 --> 00:04:49,350 the Deep scattering layer 81 00:04:49,350 --> 00:04:51,250 and it is produced by the echo 82 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:53,440 that pelagic organisms make 83 00:04:53,440 --> 00:04:56,740 that live between 400 and 700 mts deep. 84 00:04:56,940 --> 00:04:59,640 What you see up here is the migrant layer, 85 00:04:59,640 --> 00:05:03,110 and its a part of the same organisms 86 00:05:03,110 --> 00:05:04,610 that emigrate when it gets darker 87 00:05:04,610 --> 00:05:07,820 to eat epipelagic plankton in the in the surface. 88 00:05:07,820 --> 00:05:09,820 When the dawn comes, they come back 89 00:05:09,820 --> 00:05:12,110 again to deeper layers to protect themselves 90 00:05:12,110 --> 00:05:14,110 in the darkness from predation. 91 00:05:14,810 --> 00:05:18,240 This is called diel vertical migration, 92 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:22,440 that is how in scientific articles is seen. 93 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:27,840 And this phenomenon happens globally 94 00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:30,340 every night. 95 00:05:30,340 --> 00:05:32,820 This has a great importance in the trophic 96 00:05:32,820 --> 00:05:34,820 connection between organisms 97 00:05:34,820 --> 00:05:37,020 of the surface and the deeper ocean. 98 00:05:37,620 --> 00:05:40,020 That is why it has strong implications 99 00:05:40,020 --> 00:05:42,020 on carbon. 100 00:05:42,020 --> 00:05:44,620 These animals eat in the surface 101 00:05:44,620 --> 00:05:46,620 the organic carbon produced there, 102 00:05:46,620 --> 00:05:48,620 they transport it to intermediate layers, 103 00:05:48,620 --> 00:05:50,620 and they release it in form of 104 00:05:50,620 --> 00:05:52,860 carbon dioxide when they breath 105 00:05:52,860 --> 00:05:55,160 or these types of organic carbon 106 00:05:55,160 --> 00:05:59,160 when defecating, excreting or when they are predated. 107 00:05:59,160 --> 00:06:02,560 This active transportation of carbon 108 00:06:02,560 --> 00:06:04,030 by the migrators, 109 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:06,460 is what we called active carbon flux, 110 00:06:06,460 --> 00:06:08,460 and with another important mechanism, 111 00:06:08,460 --> 00:06:11,530 that is the gravitational flux o passive flux, 112 00:06:11,530 --> 00:06:14,330 both are part of the biologic pump of carbon; 113 00:06:14,330 --> 00:06:16,110 that is a complex system 114 00:06:16,110 --> 00:06:20,080 that takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and now is more important 115 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:22,080 due to climate change. 116 00:06:22,880 --> 00:06:25,380 Who are these migrators? 117 00:06:25,380 --> 00:06:27,620 Traditionally from the perspective of the 118 00:06:27,620 --> 00:06:28,730 biogeochemical oceanology, 119 00:06:28,730 --> 00:06:31,130 when we talk about migrators and active flux 120 00:06:31,130 --> 00:06:33,730 zooplankton is the first that comes to everyone's mind. 121 00:06:33,730 --> 00:06:36,230 I would like today to talk about another type 122 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,230 that is the one that I work with, the micronekton; 123 00:06:38,230 --> 00:06:41,160 that are mainly fishes, crustaceans, cephalopods 124 00:06:41,160 --> 00:06:44,460 between 2 and 10 centimeters of size. 125 00:06:44,460 --> 00:06:47,460 They are migrators, like the zooplankton 126 00:06:47,460 --> 00:06:49,160 however they have been excluded 127 00:06:49,160 --> 00:06:51,160 of the active flux counts. 128 00:06:51,160 --> 00:06:53,160 This is like this, because 129 00:06:53,160 --> 00:06:56,160 these animals escape easily 130 00:06:56,160 --> 00:06:59,160 from the nets that are used for plankton. 131 00:06:59,160 --> 00:07:01,160 They evade them, they do not escape. 132 00:07:02,060 --> 00:07:05,360 Moreover they are little enough to 133 00:07:05,360 --> 00:07:07,360 escape from the commercial trawl nets. 134 00:07:07,960 --> 00:07:11,860 The last ones, although they get something, 135 00:07:11,860 --> 00:07:15,330 they are rare in oceanographic campaigns, 136 00:07:15,330 --> 00:07:17,030 because they consume a lot of time. 137 00:07:17,030 --> 00:07:21,030 That is why they have been excluded from the research 138 00:07:21,030 --> 00:07:21,910 of active flux. 139 00:07:21,910 --> 00:07:24,710 Nevertheless we think that it is important, 140 00:07:24,710 --> 00:07:27,910 because micronekton is able to 141 00:07:27,910 --> 00:07:32,610 control 5-10% of the diary production of zooplanknton. 142 00:07:33,410 --> 00:07:36,610 Furthermore, the majority of this micronekton is 143 00:07:36,610 --> 00:07:39,610 formed from the Myctophidae family 144 00:07:39,610 --> 00:07:43,110 that 70% of the migrant biomass are myctophids, 145 00:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,910 and a 75% of the mesopelagic capture 146 00:07:45,910 --> 00:07:48,210 in a trawling, they are also these fishes. 147 00:07:48,210 --> 00:07:52,550 The global stock is estimated at 500 to 600 million tonnes. 148 00:07:52,550 --> 00:07:55,020 and probably understimated, 149 00:07:55,020 --> 00:07:57,920 because escapes are not considered. 150 00:07:59,920 --> 00:08:02,320 That is why we think that myctophids must 151 00:08:02,320 --> 00:08:04,320 represent an important route in the 152 00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:06,320 exportation of organic carbon to 153 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:08,320 deeper waters. 154 00:08:08,820 --> 00:08:12,000 One issue that has always been a hotly debated one is 155 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:14,000 the efficiency of the exportation of carbon 156 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:16,000 of the migrators, due to that 157 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,640 range that they do in these migrations. 158 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:20,940 Because they are the inter-zonal migrations, 159 00:08:20,940 --> 00:08:22,940 represented in red, 160 00:08:22,940 --> 00:08:25,100 the ones that get through the barriers, 161 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:28,350 barriers to the exchange of water bodies; 162 00:08:28,350 --> 00:08:30,350 are the ones that are considered efficient 163 00:08:30,350 --> 00:08:31,650 in the carbon exportation. 164 00:08:31,650 --> 00:08:34,950 Trying to move it from a compartment to another in the ocean. 165 00:08:35,650 --> 00:08:38,700 Moreover, the time that they need to come back to the deep 166 00:08:38,950 --> 00:08:40,350 layer must be smaller 167 00:08:40,350 --> 00:08:42,350 than the time that need the food 168 00:08:42,350 --> 00:08:44,350 to be processed and to be evacuated. 169 00:08:44,350 --> 00:08:46,530 If we want that a minimun of what they consume 170 00:08:46,530 --> 00:08:49,600 in the surface to be transported to deeper waters. 171 00:08:51,600 --> 00:08:53,600 That is why studying the migration 172 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:55,770 and the food chronology is important 173 00:08:55,770 --> 00:08:58,270 to study the active flux. 174 00:08:59,270 --> 00:09:02,040 This is the way we have worked on those two issues, 175 00:09:02,340 --> 00:09:05,040 along with diet, which we have also worked on, 176 00:09:05,040 --> 00:09:07,750 and the daily ration 177 00:09:07,750 --> 00:09:11,220 the amount of body weight they ingest. 178 00:09:12,220 --> 00:09:14,550 We have done this in Hygophum hygomi, 179 00:09:14,550 --> 00:09:16,550 Lobianchia dofleini, two myctophids 180 00:09:16,550 --> 00:09:19,550 that dominate the Subtropical Northeast Atlantic. 181 00:09:20,550 --> 00:09:23,400 As I told you, micronekton does not abound 182 00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:25,600 too much in oceanographic campaigns, 183 00:09:25,600 --> 00:09:28,600 thanks to some cooperation with the 184 00:09:28,600 --> 00:09:31,480 Instituto Canario de Ciencia Marinas thanks to Fernando Bordes. 185 00:09:31,480 --> 00:09:34,980 We worked with help 186 00:09:34,980 --> 00:09:37,910 coming from some campaigns of fishing 187 00:09:37,910 --> 00:09:41,210 prospections, that were done between 1997 and 2002, 188 00:09:41,210 --> 00:09:43,880 with a poop trawling, using a trawling 189 00:09:43,880 --> 00:09:45,880 comercial semipelagic net. 190 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:50,880 We chose sets done in Fuerteventura, 191 00:09:50,880 --> 00:09:53,680 because those catches were from different times. 192 00:09:53,680 --> 00:09:55,680 This is appropiated for this study 193 00:09:55,680 --> 00:09:58,380 of mmigration because it is a 194 00:09:58,380 --> 00:10:02,380 phenomenon that occur in a 24 hours cycle. 195 00:10:02,880 --> 00:10:05,280 We did not take every set that was done. 196 00:10:05,280 --> 00:10:08,080 We used only the ones interesting for the study, 197 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:10,480 we prefered to work with epipelagic sets 198 00:10:10,480 --> 00:10:13,480 that we defined between 0 and 150 meters of depth. 199 00:10:13,780 --> 00:10:17,100 We got 9 sets, 200 00:10:17,100 --> 00:10:19,790 in a 24 hours cycle. 201 00:10:19,790 --> 00:10:22,240 The black colour represents the night hours 202 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:24,040 and blue the light hours. 203 00:10:24,640 --> 00:10:26,870 The mesopelagic sets were defined 204 00:10:26,870 --> 00:10:29,370 between 300 and 700 meters of depth. 205 00:10:29,370 --> 00:10:31,370 We got 6 sets, 206 00:10:31,370 --> 00:10:33,870 distributed this other way in 24 hours. 207 00:10:34,270 --> 00:10:36,870 We took all data of abundance of these two 208 00:10:36,870 --> 00:10:39,170 species, we standardised it to 10.000 cubic meters, 209 00:10:39,170 --> 00:10:41,470 and we computed it in a histogram 210 00:10:41,470 --> 00:10:43,470 in 24 hours 211 00:10:43,470 --> 00:10:45,910 to visualise the migration phenomenon well. 212 00:10:47,210 --> 00:10:49,910 For us in food chronology, 213 00:10:49,910 --> 00:10:52,550 we could not use the samples from Fuerteventura, 214 00:10:52,550 --> 00:10:54,750 that we have the abundance data, 215 00:10:54,750 --> 00:10:56,750 but the samples were distributed in 216 00:10:56,750 --> 00:10:57,820 museums around the world. 217 00:10:57,820 --> 00:11:00,470 We have ordered them and we have them already in laboratory. 218 00:11:00,470 --> 00:11:02,470 We are working them, however 219 00:11:02,470 --> 00:11:04,470 we do not have yet the final product. 220 00:11:04,470 --> 00:11:06,470 Here are the data from 221 00:11:06,470 --> 00:11:08,470 other zone where we analyse 222 00:11:08,470 --> 00:11:11,130 food chronology with the same methodology, 223 00:11:11,430 --> 00:11:14,230 in which we studied individuals 224 00:11:14,230 --> 00:11:16,630 of the mesopelagic layer 225 00:11:16,930 --> 00:11:19,730 a bit before the nightfall 226 00:11:19,730 --> 00:11:22,210 some hours befor the next migration. 227 00:11:22,210 --> 00:11:24,310 We studied their stomach contents. 228 00:11:24,310 --> 00:11:27,040 These individuals are considered premigrators. 229 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:29,340 We also studied the stomachs of individuals 230 00:11:29,340 --> 00:11:31,540 that we consider postmigrators, 231 00:11:31,540 --> 00:11:33,640 that were caught in the epipelagic layer, 232 00:11:33,640 --> 00:11:36,640 some hours after the nightfall. 233 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:40,840 This is the procedure of extraction 234 00:11:40,840 --> 00:11:43,350 from the stomach of the myctophids. 235 00:11:43,350 --> 00:11:45,350 This is the look of the 236 00:11:45,350 --> 00:11:47,350 stomach of anLobianchia dofleini. 237 00:11:47,350 --> 00:11:49,850 This is even smaller than a 238 00:11:49,850 --> 00:11:52,740 grain of rice, so we have to be careful while dissecting it. 239 00:11:52,740 --> 00:11:54,740 This is an open stomach. 240 00:11:54,740 --> 00:11:56,740 In this case is really full. 241 00:11:56,940 --> 00:12:00,390 I selected this one because it is very fresh 242 00:12:00,390 --> 00:12:02,990 and it is not what I normally found, but 243 00:12:02,990 --> 00:12:05,240 I chose the one with the freshest content 244 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:07,240 because is better for the picture, 245 00:12:07,240 --> 00:12:09,000 we can see them perfectly. 246 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:11,800 It is completely full of copepods. 247 00:12:12,300 --> 00:12:17,200 And this is the compound eye. 248 00:12:19,200 --> 00:12:21,900 Then for the food chronology study 249 00:12:21,900 --> 00:12:23,900 we used two scales. 250 00:12:23,900 --> 00:12:27,400 A stomach fullness scale, 251 00:12:27,400 --> 00:12:30,400 that went from the stage 0 252 00:12:30,400 --> 00:12:31,840 where the stomach was full, 253 00:12:31,840 --> 00:12:34,640 to the stage 3, where it has been totally full. 254 00:12:34,640 --> 00:12:37,140 In addition to considering the filling of the stomach, 255 00:12:37,140 --> 00:12:39,140 we consider the roughness state of 256 00:12:39,140 --> 00:12:40,860 the internal pallets of the stomach, 257 00:12:40,860 --> 00:12:44,450 when the stomach is very full, the roughness disappears. 258 00:12:44,450 --> 00:12:47,770 And as we study the digestion of contents 259 00:12:47,770 --> 00:12:52,670 we did it only on copepods, because we 260 00:12:52,670 --> 00:12:55,800 assume that each group must have 261 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:58,100 a different rate of digestion, 262 00:12:58,100 --> 00:13:00,750 to avoid this mistake, we only talk about one group. 263 00:13:00,750 --> 00:13:03,150 The copepods because they are the most commonly found, 264 00:13:03,150 --> 00:13:08,850 Then stage 1 is a fresh copepod, 265 00:13:08,850 --> 00:13:11,850 in Stage 2, has the appendices 266 00:13:11,850 --> 00:13:14,760 broken, but the main part of the body is well preserved; 267 00:13:14,760 --> 00:13:16,760 and in stage 3, it has the main part 268 00:13:16,760 --> 00:13:18,760 of the body very deteriorated. 269 00:13:18,960 --> 00:13:22,060 On both scales what we want to know 270 00:13:22,060 --> 00:13:24,060 at what time are they eating 271 00:13:24,060 --> 00:13:26,760 and how long it takes them to digest the food. 272 00:13:27,960 --> 00:13:30,760 In order to study the diet, what we did is to take 273 00:13:30,760 --> 00:13:33,260 contents of animals on the surface 274 00:13:33,260 --> 00:13:35,330 at 12 p.m. because they were eating at that time. 275 00:13:35,330 --> 00:13:37,130 Then they had the fresh contents, 276 00:13:37,130 --> 00:13:39,130 y esto venía bien para estudiar 277 00:13:39,130 --> 00:13:42,530 the contents rather than the digested ones. 278 00:13:42,530 --> 00:13:45,280 And for the study of the daily ration, 279 00:13:45,280 --> 00:13:47,780 we look at stomachs listed as 280 00:13:47,780 --> 00:13:49,780 maximum filling stage, 281 00:13:49,780 --> 00:13:52,080 and the data is expressed as a percentage 282 00:13:52,080 --> 00:13:55,580 of the animal's body weight with what it is ingesting. 283 00:13:57,580 --> 00:13:59,880 Well, let's see the results. 284 00:13:59,880 --> 00:14:02,880 These are the results of abundance. 285 00:14:02,880 --> 00:14:05,670 In the mesopelagic layer and in the epipelagic layer, 286 00:14:05,670 --> 00:14:07,870 for Hygophum hygomi and Lobianchia dofleini. 287 00:14:07,870 --> 00:14:09,870 These shaded areas represent 288 00:14:09,870 --> 00:14:11,870 the night periods. 289 00:14:11,870 --> 00:14:13,870 The first thing we see is 290 00:14:13,870 --> 00:14:15,870 that even though daylight fishing was analysed 291 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:17,370 in the epipelagic layer, 292 00:14:17,370 --> 00:14:19,730 as expected did not register 293 00:14:19,730 --> 00:14:22,430 neither species. 294 00:14:22,430 --> 00:14:24,730 Not even the first 295 00:14:24,730 --> 00:14:26,730 half hour after the nightfall 296 00:14:26,730 --> 00:14:29,630 tampoco aparecen, se demoran un poco más en subir. 297 00:14:31,990 --> 00:14:34,630 This 0 individuals, 298 00:14:34,630 --> 00:14:37,130 and between 9pm and 1pm, 299 00:14:37,130 --> 00:14:40,030 both species have the highest abundance. 300 00:14:40,030 --> 00:14:42,030 Moreover, what we see is that 301 00:14:42,030 --> 00:14:44,030 in the case of the Lobianchia dofleini especially, 302 00:14:44,030 --> 00:14:45,240 se ve que hay una 303 00:14:45,240 --> 00:14:47,240 progressive decrease in abundance 304 00:14:47,240 --> 00:14:49,240 as the night progresses 305 00:14:49,240 --> 00:14:51,240 and with a peak of abundance 306 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:53,540 in the lower layers. 307 00:14:53,940 --> 00:14:58,620 The pattern of no individuals here 308 00:14:58,620 --> 00:14:59,900 and at night they appear, 309 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:02,200 is a normal migration pattern 310 00:15:02,200 --> 00:15:04,600 of night migration 311 00:15:04,600 --> 00:15:06,900 al anochecer en sentido ascendente, 312 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:09,400 which has been well documented for years. 313 00:15:09,800 --> 00:15:11,910 And the issue of abundance growth 314 00:15:11,910 --> 00:15:14,650 together with late onset in lower layers, 315 00:15:14,650 --> 00:15:16,650 may be a phenomenon 316 00:15:16,650 --> 00:15:18,650 of midnight sinking. 317 00:15:18,650 --> 00:15:20,650 This is a hypothesis postulated by Pearre, 318 00:15:20,650 --> 00:15:21,800 in which he states that 319 00:15:21,800 --> 00:15:24,320 these individuals do not migrate in a massive way, 320 00:15:24,320 --> 00:15:26,820 do not descend in a massive way at dawn, 321 00:15:26,820 --> 00:15:28,820 but they do it in a way, 322 00:15:28,820 --> 00:15:30,820 asynchronous in some way 323 00:15:30,820 --> 00:15:33,020 individual as they feel satiated. 324 00:15:33,020 --> 00:15:35,560 When their stomachs are full, they decide to go down. 325 00:15:35,560 --> 00:15:38,420 As this is an individual phenomenon, 326 00:15:38,420 --> 00:15:40,420 it does not register very well with the 327 00:15:40,420 --> 00:15:43,920 traditional acoustic techniques. 328 00:15:43,920 --> 00:15:47,260 That is why this has not been discussed until now. 329 00:15:50,080 --> 00:15:53,260 If we look at the captures of the mesopelagic layer, 330 00:15:53,260 --> 00:15:56,260 we see that there is presence by day and by night. 331 00:15:56,260 --> 00:15:58,760 We are interested the most in 332 00:15:58,760 --> 00:16:00,960 is the presence during the night, because 333 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:03,960 it may be the result of this sinking. 334 00:16:03,960 --> 00:16:05,960 But also a number of individuals 335 00:16:05,960 --> 00:16:07,960 who are simply not migrating. 336 00:16:07,960 --> 00:16:09,960 If you remember the image we saw 337 00:16:09,960 --> 00:16:11,960 at the beginning of the talk, 338 00:16:12,460 --> 00:16:14,960 when the migrant layer rises during the night, 339 00:16:14,960 --> 00:16:16,960 the deep layer does not disappear. 340 00:16:16,960 --> 00:16:19,560 This is not new, it has been known for a long time. 341 00:16:19,560 --> 00:16:21,560 It used to be thought that the 342 00:16:21,560 --> 00:16:24,060 species in this layer were non-migratory. 343 00:16:24,460 --> 00:16:27,360 The presence of these individuals means that 344 00:16:27,360 --> 00:16:29,860 are migratory species that choose not to migrate. 345 00:16:30,460 --> 00:16:32,310 What we are interested in is knowing 346 00:16:32,310 --> 00:16:35,300 what the motive is and what they are doing there. 347 00:16:36,800 --> 00:16:39,500 If we look at the results of stomach filling, 348 00:16:39,500 --> 00:16:41,950 we see that as we expected, 349 00:16:41,950 --> 00:16:43,950 individuals who we consider to be 350 00:16:43,950 --> 00:16:45,380 migrating on the surface, 351 00:16:45,380 --> 00:16:47,380 most of them have full stomachs and 352 00:16:47,380 --> 00:16:49,780 seedlings; this is due to what we already know 353 00:16:49,780 --> 00:16:52,480 that they eat at night on the surface. 354 00:16:52,480 --> 00:16:56,330 However, organisms in the mesopelagic layer 355 00:16:56,330 --> 00:16:58,330 are just hours away from migrating again, 356 00:16:58,330 --> 00:17:00,330 we hope they had empty stomachs, 357 00:17:00,330 --> 00:17:02,830 because most of them have full stomachs. 358 00:17:02,830 --> 00:17:04,830 We found this rather strange 359 00:17:04,830 --> 00:17:06,830 and in the bibliography you will find 360 00:17:06,830 --> 00:17:08,830 some references that 361 00:17:08,830 --> 00:17:11,590 they eat during the day in the mesopelagic layer, 362 00:17:11,590 --> 00:17:14,990 as postulated by Pearcy for myctophids in the Pacific. 363 00:17:15,990 --> 00:17:19,290 However, on the basis of the digestion results, 364 00:17:19,590 --> 00:17:22,490 we see that individuals do indeed, 365 00:17:22,490 --> 00:17:24,890 that are migrating are at the surface, 366 00:17:24,890 --> 00:17:26,890 as most of them have stomachs 367 00:17:26,890 --> 00:17:28,490 full of fresh prey. 368 00:17:28,490 --> 00:17:31,390 If not, let alone in a state of advanced digestion. 369 00:17:31,390 --> 00:17:33,390 In case of theLobianchia dofleini, 370 00:17:33,390 --> 00:17:35,690 we find less prey, less copepods, 371 00:17:35,690 --> 00:17:37,690 because they ingested fewer copepods. 372 00:17:37,690 --> 00:17:39,690 But there are still more fresh prey, 373 00:17:39,690 --> 00:17:42,800 no prey at maximum digestible state. 374 00:17:42,800 --> 00:17:45,800 This indicates that they are actively eating there. 375 00:17:47,800 --> 00:17:50,730 In the case of individuals, 376 00:17:50,730 --> 00:17:53,130 that were about to migrate, 377 00:17:53,130 --> 00:17:55,130 we see that those stomachs were full, 378 00:17:55,130 --> 00:17:56,800 but most of them 379 00:17:56,800 --> 00:17:58,800 was full of prey 380 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:00,800 in a high state of digestion. 381 00:18:00,800 --> 00:18:02,800 So much so that in theLobianchia dofleini 382 00:18:02,800 --> 00:18:04,990 so digested that we were unable to quantify copepods. 383 00:18:04,990 --> 00:18:06,990 There was a digested mass 384 00:18:06,990 --> 00:18:08,990 which could not be quantified, and therefore 385 00:18:08,990 --> 00:18:10,990 the digestion scale methodology 386 00:18:10,990 --> 00:18:12,790 has not been efficient with this species. 387 00:18:12,790 --> 00:18:15,090 For the future we will consider using 388 00:18:15,090 --> 00:18:17,490 imaging techniques to 389 00:18:17,490 --> 00:18:20,170 quantify the area of this digested mass. 390 00:18:20,170 --> 00:18:22,770 But in any case, the results suggest 391 00:18:22,770 --> 00:18:24,770 that if there are no fresh prey, 392 00:18:24,770 --> 00:18:26,770 evidently they do not eat during 393 00:18:26,770 --> 00:18:28,770 the day in the mesopelagic layer. 394 00:18:28,770 --> 00:18:31,040 However, the question we asked ourselves, 395 00:18:31,040 --> 00:18:32,570 what worried us most was, 396 00:18:32,570 --> 00:18:35,020 why stomachs are full and very digested 397 00:18:35,020 --> 00:18:38,020 just before the next migration. 398 00:18:38,020 --> 00:18:41,020 The most plausible explanation for us 399 00:18:41,020 --> 00:18:43,020 is that these contents come from 400 00:18:43,020 --> 00:18:45,020 the last migration they carried out. 401 00:18:45,020 --> 00:18:47,020 We do not know when this last migration took place, 402 00:18:47,020 --> 00:18:49,820 whether it was 1, 2 or 3 nights before is impossible to know, 403 00:18:49,820 --> 00:18:52,160 but we know that this implies that the system 404 00:18:52,160 --> 00:18:54,560 digestive and evacuation processes are very slow. 405 00:18:54,560 --> 00:18:56,970 And something that I think deserves more research, 406 00:18:56,970 --> 00:18:58,970 because it has implications on the 407 00:18:58,970 --> 00:19:00,470 active flux issue. 408 00:19:00,770 --> 00:19:02,470 This is in line with the theory of 409 00:19:02,470 --> 00:19:04,470 Sutton and Hopkins, which says that 410 00:19:04,470 --> 00:19:06,470 the migrant population is divided into 411 00:19:06,470 --> 00:19:08,470 migrants that feed at night, 412 00:19:08,470 --> 00:19:10,470 and individuals that choose not to migrate 413 00:19:10,470 --> 00:19:12,770 because they are in a post-nesting state. 414 00:19:12,770 --> 00:19:14,770 It also fits with the hypothesis 415 00:19:14,770 --> 00:19:16,970 of Pearre, which states that not all individuals 416 00:19:16,970 --> 00:19:19,770 migrate, only those that feel hungry go up. 417 00:19:19,770 --> 00:19:21,770 They don't all go down at the same time, if not 418 00:19:21,770 --> 00:19:24,770 asynchronously as they are satiated. 419 00:19:25,770 --> 00:19:28,070 These are the results of the diet, in which 420 00:19:28,070 --> 00:19:30,070 mainly it is seen that the food 421 00:19:30,070 --> 00:19:32,070 are copepods, followed by amphipods, 422 00:19:32,070 --> 00:19:33,130 and euphausiaceans. 423 00:19:33,130 --> 00:19:35,130 and the Lobianchia dofleini, 424 00:19:35,130 --> 00:19:38,030 eats copepods and euphausiids interchangeably, 425 00:19:38,030 --> 00:19:40,730 and also some ostracods in smaller quantities. 426 00:19:41,990 --> 00:19:44,730 The daily rations we saw that 427 00:19:44,730 --> 00:19:47,230 2% of the body weight of the Hygophum hygomi 428 00:19:47,230 --> 00:19:49,630 is what it eats per day; 429 00:19:49,630 --> 00:19:52,030 and theLobianchia dofleini is 1.34. 430 00:19:52,030 --> 00:19:54,330 This is close to the values 431 00:19:54,330 --> 00:19:56,330 that Pusch obtained in the same area, 432 00:19:56,330 --> 00:19:59,330 here near the Canary Islands for the same species. 433 00:20:01,030 --> 00:20:05,030 What implications does this have for the active flux? 434 00:20:05,030 --> 00:20:07,830 What I said was the important thing about the job. 435 00:20:07,830 --> 00:20:10,530 The results suggest that these myctophids 436 00:20:10,530 --> 00:20:12,630 return to the deep reflection layer, 437 00:20:12,630 --> 00:20:14,630 just after they feel satiated. 438 00:20:14,630 --> 00:20:16,630 When they fill their stomachs they go down. 439 00:20:16,630 --> 00:20:19,630 Moreover, they seem to spend a lot of time digesting. 440 00:20:19,990 --> 00:20:22,630 This implies high efficiency in the 441 00:20:22,630 --> 00:20:25,630 export of carbon to deeper waters. 442 00:20:25,630 --> 00:20:27,630 Moreover, if we consider that this family 443 00:20:27,630 --> 00:20:29,630 constitutes 70% of this migrant mass 444 00:20:29,630 --> 00:20:31,630 and mesopelagic mass, 445 00:20:31,630 --> 00:20:33,630 we can assume that myctophids 446 00:20:33,630 --> 00:20:35,630 probably represent a part of the 447 00:20:35,630 --> 00:20:37,630 very important of the active flux. 448 00:20:38,630 --> 00:20:40,630 Only as an approximation, 449 00:20:40,630 --> 00:20:42,630 to put some values, 450 00:20:42,990 --> 00:20:46,150 using a migrant biomass value, 451 00:20:46,150 --> 00:20:48,150 in terms of carbon, 452 00:20:48,950 --> 00:20:51,150 calculated by experts 453 00:20:51,150 --> 00:20:53,150 in the Canary Islands area, 454 00:20:53,150 --> 00:20:55,850 obtained a very conservative value 455 00:20:55,850 --> 00:20:58,740 of migrant biomass of 158.2 millimoles 456 00:20:58,740 --> 00:21:00,740 carbon dioxide emissions per square metre per day. 457 00:21:00,940 --> 00:21:04,040 If we correct this with the fact that 70% of biomass 458 00:21:04,040 --> 00:21:06,040 are myctophids, and that 459 00:21:06,040 --> 00:21:09,440 ingest 1.76% of their body weight. 460 00:21:09,440 --> 00:21:11,440 It is a value we have obtained from the 461 00:21:11,440 --> 00:21:13,970 value I have shown above. 462 00:21:14,570 --> 00:21:17,370 We obtain that only myctophids and only 463 00:21:17,370 --> 00:21:20,240 considering the active flux of the digestive tract, 464 00:21:20,240 --> 00:21:25,240 are exporting 1.83 millimores of carbon 465 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:26,740 square metre per day. 466 00:21:26,740 --> 00:21:29,120 I do not know you can imagine whether it is too much or too little, 467 00:21:29,120 --> 00:21:31,220 I have put some values around here to see 468 00:21:31,220 --> 00:21:35,220 what is the importance of this value. 469 00:21:35,220 --> 00:21:37,420 If we compare it with what they are exporting 470 00:21:37,420 --> 00:21:40,120 migrators, only the zooplankton part, 471 00:21:41,520 --> 00:21:44,120 in the Canary Islands is 0.33 and 472 00:21:44,120 --> 00:21:46,120 in Bermuda is 0.17. 473 00:21:47,000 --> 00:21:49,320 Micronekton values are much higher, 474 00:21:49,320 --> 00:21:51,820 and yet it is studied more for active flux. 475 00:21:53,820 --> 00:21:56,370 Considering micronekton values, 476 00:21:56,370 --> 00:21:58,370 the same community I work with, but 477 00:21:58,370 --> 00:22:01,470 derived from the consumption of zooplankton. 478 00:22:01,970 --> 00:22:04,470 Hernández-León in 2010 argued that 479 00:22:04,470 --> 00:22:06,470 the Canary Islands, in a scenario 480 00:22:06,470 --> 00:22:08,970 not very productive, had values between 481 00:22:08,970 --> 00:22:12,470 1.6 and 2.8, close to the value I get, 482 00:22:12,470 --> 00:22:14,470 that seems to fit the 2 methodologies 483 00:22:14,470 --> 00:22:17,270 to estimate the active flux. 484 00:22:17,270 --> 00:22:19,270 And in a bloom scenario, of course 485 00:22:19,270 --> 00:22:21,270 exceed these values. 486 00:22:22,270 --> 00:22:24,270 And well compared to the other one 487 00:22:24,270 --> 00:22:26,670 great mechanism of the biological pump that 488 00:22:26,670 --> 00:22:28,670 is the gravitational flux. 489 00:22:28,670 --> 00:22:31,480 In the Canary Islands, work by Neuer, 490 00:22:31,480 --> 00:22:33,480 values were obtained for both a scenario 491 00:22:33,480 --> 00:22:35,880 very productive and unproductive, 492 00:22:35,880 --> 00:22:37,880 had lower values than ours. 493 00:22:37,990 --> 00:22:41,880 There is also as yet unpublished data from 494 00:22:41,880 --> 00:22:44,100 Hernández-León in the Canary current, 495 00:22:44,100 --> 00:22:45,900 above the archipelago. 496 00:22:45,900 --> 00:22:49,670 The values they hold are also lower than ours. 497 00:22:49,670 --> 00:22:51,670 If we look at the values of 498 00:22:51,670 --> 00:22:53,670 Alonso González et al, 499 00:22:53,670 --> 00:22:55,670 this time in the south of the Canary Islands, 500 00:22:55,670 --> 00:22:57,670 the Canary Current, but to the south. 501 00:22:57,970 --> 00:23:02,670 We see that an area not affected by eddies, 502 00:23:02,670 --> 00:23:04,670 has a value of 5.8, which is quite a lot 503 00:23:04,670 --> 00:23:06,870 than our own, and even if we consider 504 00:23:06,870 --> 00:23:09,130 eddy zones that are enriched 505 00:23:09,130 --> 00:23:11,130 and bloom stage, these values are 506 00:23:11,130 --> 00:23:13,630 obviously bigger than the ones we got. 507 00:23:13,630 --> 00:23:16,040 And in the case of Bermuda and Hawaii, 508 00:23:16,040 --> 00:23:21,240 what I wanted to show is that to begin with 509 00:23:21,240 --> 00:23:24,000 these estimates vary widely. 510 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:26,400 It is evident, because there is a strong spatio-temporal 511 00:23:26,400 --> 00:23:28,750 variety and depends on the methodology 512 00:23:28,750 --> 00:23:29,650 that has been used. 513 00:23:29,650 --> 00:23:31,650 In some cases our values are higher, 514 00:23:31,650 --> 00:23:32,650 in other lower. 515 00:23:32,650 --> 00:23:35,150 The important thing is that they are in the same order of magnitude 516 00:23:35,150 --> 00:23:37,650 and they are also higher than the estimates. 517 00:23:37,950 --> 00:23:40,850 All this suggests that this figure, 518 00:23:40,850 --> 00:23:42,850 we believe, it is important enough 519 00:23:42,850 --> 00:23:46,350 to begin to consider 520 00:23:46,350 --> 00:23:49,350 to start conducting specific studies 521 00:23:49,350 --> 00:23:51,850 for the estimation of the active flux of the micronekton. 522 00:23:53,850 --> 00:23:57,050 To sum up come the conclusions, 523 00:23:57,050 --> 00:23:59,550 is that the species of Hygophum hygomi and 524 00:23:59,550 --> 00:24:01,930 Lobianchia dofleini, the epipelagic abundance 525 00:24:01,930 --> 00:24:03,750 during a 24-hour cycle, 526 00:24:03,750 --> 00:24:05,750 showed that they perform vertical migrations 527 00:24:05,750 --> 00:24:07,750 normal at dusk, and that 528 00:24:07,750 --> 00:24:09,950 its presence, well above the pycnocline, 529 00:24:09,950 --> 00:24:12,950 is showing that this migration is inter-zonal. 530 00:24:12,950 --> 00:24:15,950 The decline, in particular of the Lobianchia dofleini, 531 00:24:15,950 --> 00:24:17,950 and the abundance in the epipelagic layer 532 00:24:17,950 --> 00:24:19,950 overnight, together with 533 00:24:19,950 --> 00:24:22,350 their subsequent presence in the mesopelagic layer, 534 00:24:22,350 --> 00:24:26,350 suggests that they are doing midnight sinking 535 00:24:26,350 --> 00:24:28,350 after filling their stomachs. 536 00:24:28,350 --> 00:24:31,350 And the predominance of fresh prey 537 00:24:31,350 --> 00:24:33,350 in both species at night 538 00:24:33,350 --> 00:24:35,350 in the epipelagic layer, showed 539 00:24:35,350 --> 00:24:38,350 night-time feeding in surface waters. 540 00:24:39,750 --> 00:24:41,950 Both species showed that their stomachs 541 00:24:41,950 --> 00:24:43,950 were full and well-digested, just before 542 00:24:43,950 --> 00:24:46,150 the following migration, suggesting 543 00:24:46,150 --> 00:24:48,150 that part of the population is not migrating 544 00:24:48,150 --> 00:24:50,150 and that it is in a state of post-digestion, 545 00:24:50,150 --> 00:24:52,150 and this implies a very slow evacuation system. 546 00:24:52,150 --> 00:24:54,150 Much slower than 547 00:24:54,150 --> 00:24:57,150 the time it takes for them to return to the deep reflection layer. 548 00:24:57,150 --> 00:24:59,150 In addition, they mainly eat 549 00:24:59,150 --> 00:25:02,650 copepods, euphausiids and daily allowances 550 00:25:02,650 --> 00:25:06,650 were 2% and 1.34% of body weight. 551 00:25:06,650 --> 00:25:08,650 To summarise, 552 00:25:08,650 --> 00:25:10,650 that are vertical inter-zonal 553 00:25:10,650 --> 00:25:13,330 migrants, that migration is inter-zonal, 554 00:25:13,330 --> 00:25:15,330 that feeding should be at night in 555 00:25:15,330 --> 00:25:17,330 surface waters; which are 556 00:25:17,330 --> 00:25:19,330 dropping immediately after 557 00:25:19,330 --> 00:25:21,860 ingesting the food and that the digestive system 558 00:25:21,860 --> 00:25:23,560 is extremely slow. 559 00:25:23,560 --> 00:25:25,880 These are all appropriate conditions 560 00:25:25,880 --> 00:25:27,880 to think that myctophids are 561 00:25:27,880 --> 00:25:30,770 exporting carbon to deeper layers 562 00:25:30,770 --> 00:25:32,770 and that they should play an important role in the 563 00:25:32,770 --> 00:25:34,770 in the biological carbon pump. 564 00:25:35,350 --> 00:25:38,970 Simply put, what we want to say 565 00:25:38,970 --> 00:25:41,970 is that we would like to recommend that in the 566 00:25:41,970 --> 00:25:43,970 future active flux works, 567 00:25:43,970 --> 00:25:45,970 his possibility should begin to be considered, 568 00:25:45,970 --> 00:25:47,970 the micronekton is being considered, 569 00:25:47,970 --> 00:25:50,520 which is still unknown in this field of work. 570 00:25:50,520 --> 00:25:52,520 And I would like to thank all the 571 00:25:52,520 --> 00:25:54,520 people who have helped me, 572 00:25:54,520 --> 00:25:58,520 to the Faculty of Marine Sciences where I am doing my thesis, 573 00:25:58,520 --> 00:26:02,520 the University of La Laguna, where I started my first digestion work, 574 00:26:02,820 --> 00:26:05,520 Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas, in particular 575 00:26:05,520 --> 00:26:07,520 Fernando Bordes for teaching me 576 00:26:07,520 --> 00:26:09,520 everything about acoustics, 577 00:26:11,520 --> 00:26:13,520 and the Minister of Science and Innovation. 578 00:26:13,520 --> 00:26:17,520 And thanks to all my colleagues for 579 00:26:17,520 --> 00:26:19,520 all moments on board, in the laboratory, 580 00:26:19,520 --> 00:26:23,520 and for the time away from work that helps. 581 00:26:23,520 --> 00:26:24,520 Thank you. 582 00:26:24,520 --> 00:26:26,520 If you have any questions. 583 00:26:28,520 --> 00:26:30,520 Please do not worry, because I do not expect you to 584 00:26:30,520 --> 00:26:32,520 to be specialised in this. 585 00:26:32,520 --> 00:26:34,520 And those questions that begin with 586 00:26:34,520 --> 00:26:36,520 "this is probably nonsense". 587 00:26:36,520 --> 00:26:39,520 are probably the best questions. 588 00:26:41,520 --> 00:26:49,520 How do they know that those who migrate do not have 589 00:26:49,520 --> 00:26:56,520 the digestive tract full and able to 590 00:26:56,520 --> 00:27:02,520 leave the waste on the surface, in that superior 591 00:27:02,520 --> 00:27:04,220 layer? 592 00:27:04,220 --> 00:27:06,220 I do not know, maybe I did not understand. 593 00:27:06,220 --> 00:27:08,220 You may say that only those who have 594 00:27:08,220 --> 00:27:11,220 empty stomach. 595 00:27:12,720 --> 00:27:15,220 When we see them feeding on the surface, 596 00:27:15,220 --> 00:27:19,720 we find all kinds of stomachs, from empty stomachs 597 00:27:19,720 --> 00:27:20,370 to full stomachs. 598 00:27:20,370 --> 00:27:22,370 I guess it depends on the individual success that 599 00:27:22,370 --> 00:27:24,370 have each finding food, 600 00:27:24,870 --> 00:27:27,510 but the material is fresh. 601 00:27:27,510 --> 00:27:34,510 It did not have time to be digested and so they did not evacuate. 602 00:27:34,510 --> 00:27:38,440 There is a minority, a residue of digested material 603 00:27:38,440 --> 00:27:41,340 much smaller than all that fresh mass. 604 00:27:41,840 --> 00:27:44,840 Then most of the well-digested preys 605 00:27:44,840 --> 00:27:46,840 are below. 606 00:27:46,840 --> 00:27:48,840 So we think that not everything 607 00:27:48,840 --> 00:27:50,840 but most of what they eat 608 00:27:50,840 --> 00:27:53,240 it takes so long to digest that it already 609 00:27:53,240 --> 00:27:56,240 when they go to evacuate are in the deep reflection layer. 610 00:27:58,240 --> 00:28:00,240 Yes, it is just that I got stuck 611 00:28:00,240 --> 00:28:02,240 because it takes so long, it takes so long, so 612 00:28:02,240 --> 00:28:04,550 I did not remember you saying that 613 00:28:04,550 --> 00:28:06,550 up there it was totally fresh what was 614 00:28:06,550 --> 00:28:08,550 in the stomach. 615 00:28:08,550 --> 00:28:10,550 If it takes that long to digest, 616 00:28:10,550 --> 00:28:12,550 between rising again, 617 00:28:12,550 --> 00:28:15,100 he still has a full stomach. 618 00:28:15,100 --> 00:28:19,500 Yes yes, but you haven't found that. 619 00:28:19,500 --> 00:28:21,830 You have only found if it was full 620 00:28:21,830 --> 00:28:23,830 was about fresh things. 621 00:28:23,830 --> 00:28:25,830 Yes, almost everything, 622 00:28:25,830 --> 00:28:27,830 there is a tiny percentage. 623 00:28:33,830 --> 00:28:35,830 Any further questions? 624 00:28:41,830 --> 00:28:43,830 Do you consider 625 00:28:43,830 --> 00:28:46,830 that in the value you give us? The 1.83. 626 00:28:52,830 --> 00:28:56,830 This is still an approximation. 627 00:28:56,830 --> 00:28:58,830 I understand and say that the majority 628 00:28:58,830 --> 00:29:01,830 ingested goes to the mesopelagic layer. 629 00:29:01,830 --> 00:29:06,830 We do not know the exact percentage. 630 00:29:06,830 --> 00:29:09,330 This value is derived from the weight of 631 00:29:09,330 --> 00:29:12,330 the contents at the maximum filling stage. 632 00:29:12,330 --> 00:29:14,330 And as everything is fresh on the surface 633 00:29:14,330 --> 00:29:16,330 and I only find myself digested 634 00:29:16,330 --> 00:29:18,830 down there, I believe that most of them 635 00:29:18,830 --> 00:29:20,830 removing a negligible part, 636 00:29:20,830 --> 00:29:23,330 maybe there is something evacuated on the surface, 637 00:29:24,230 --> 00:29:26,830 but I consider it negligible because of the quantity 638 00:29:26,830 --> 00:29:28,830 very small amount of digested material 639 00:29:28,830 --> 00:29:30,830 when they are on the surface. 640 00:29:30,990 --> 00:29:34,830 A small correction should be applied. 641 00:29:36,830 --> 00:29:38,830 But we do not know which one. 642 00:29:40,830 --> 00:29:42,830 It is an approximation, this 643 00:29:42,830 --> 00:29:44,830 is not a job that has been 644 00:29:44,830 --> 00:29:46,830 que desde el diseño muestral 645 00:29:48,240 --> 00:29:50,830 that the experiment was conducted to calculate 646 00:29:50,830 --> 00:29:52,030 the active flux. 647 00:29:52,030 --> 00:29:55,230 It is a by-product obtained from 648 00:29:55,230 --> 00:29:57,230 other work that was carried out, 649 00:29:57,230 --> 00:29:59,230 approximation 650 00:29:59,230 --> 00:30:01,730 I am well aware that the value that 651 00:30:01,730 --> 00:30:03,730 well... 652 00:30:04,730 --> 00:30:07,730 You have to go deeper, just see that value is important. 653 00:30:07,730 --> 00:30:09,730 It is important and 654 00:30:09,730 --> 00:30:11,730 This needs to be explored further. 655 00:30:15,030 --> 00:30:17,730 When you have the data that 656 00:30:17,730 --> 00:30:19,730 of the museums 657 00:30:19,730 --> 00:30:21,330 that are arriving now. 658 00:30:21,330 --> 00:30:24,330 Your idea is to build a kind of time series 659 00:30:24,330 --> 00:30:27,330 whether they nest more or eat more, 660 00:30:27,330 --> 00:30:30,830 if more individuals go up for a period? 661 00:30:34,830 --> 00:30:37,130 If you will allow me the samples that are there, 662 00:30:37,130 --> 00:30:40,130 we want to see if there are areas 663 00:30:40,130 --> 00:30:43,130 where there were periods of more or less production, 664 00:30:43,130 --> 00:30:45,130 but I am not so sure we have 665 00:30:45,130 --> 00:30:47,630 that we have that kind of sampling. 666 00:30:47,630 --> 00:30:51,630 The Fuerteventura scenario may then be restricted. 667 00:30:53,630 --> 00:30:55,630 We do not know in what, 668 00:30:55,630 --> 00:30:57,630 well we know what time of year it was. 669 00:30:57,630 --> 00:31:01,630 I mean, we do not know if we have enough 670 00:31:01,630 --> 00:31:04,630 samples to make a series of the year, 671 00:31:04,630 --> 00:31:06,630 We don't know if we have enough variety 672 00:31:06,630 --> 00:31:08,630 of bloom or non-bloom scene. 673 00:31:08,630 --> 00:31:10,630 We have to look at when all this comes in. 674 00:31:10,630 --> 00:31:13,130 But in first instance only the area of Fuerteventura. 675 00:31:17,130 --> 00:31:20,130 I think it is quite a productive area. 676 00:31:20,830 --> 00:31:24,820 We have to do work on that. 677 00:31:24,820 --> 00:31:26,820 I guess they are profiled 678 00:31:26,820 --> 00:31:30,820 CTD, chlorophylls and we can see 679 00:31:30,820 --> 00:31:33,520 whether they were in a bloom stage or not. 680 00:31:33,520 --> 00:31:36,020 We were already thinking about it. 681 00:31:40,020 --> 00:31:42,020 Any students?