
IMBER mini-Symposium with Spanish Oceanographers

Sesiones realizadas en la Sala de Grado del Edificio de Ciencias Básicas entre las 9 y las 14 horas. Contiene: Open ceremony (ULPGC ViceRector; J. Aristegui) --- IMBER general presentation (E. Hofmann, Chair) - IMBER: transition to FUTURE EARTH --- IMBER topical presentations about the IMBER-CLIVAR connection (K. Drinkwater), about Ocean Acidification research (J.P. Gattuso), about Human Dimensions research (A. Bundy) --- The Canary Current (CC) (A. Hernandez-Guerra et al.) ---Mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the CC-Experimental data and modelling approaches (P. Sangra et al.) --- Trends in the carbon idoxide system in the Northeast Atlantic region (M. Gonzalez & J.M. Casiano) --- The submarine volcano eruption at the island of ElHierro: Physical-chemical perturbation and biological response (E. Fraile et al.) --- Coastal-offshore exchanges through NW Africa filaments (J. Aristegui et al.) --- The active flux by zonal migrants: top-down control and biological pump (S. Hernandez-Leon et al. (GRABACIÓN INCOMPLETA) --- Long-term variability in the CC upwelling: more or less? (E. D. Burton. SIN GRABACIÓN SÓLO PRESENTACIÓN).
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